Digital Pet Shaker Charm!
What you get
⭐ Customers will receive two (3) copies of any charm they order.
⭐ Up to 1 character per single Charm⭐ Along with base price, customers will also be responsible for shipping costs from me to customer - 8 US Domestic / 15 International⭐ Slots for this next charm order will be limited. I will email you if I accept your commission. You can contact me through my email [email protected]

Example gallery

Fursona Charm!
$100 USD
What you get
⭐ Customers will receive two (3) copies of any charm they order.
⭐ Up to 1 character per single Charm⭐ Along with base price, customers will also be responsible for shipping costs from me to customer - 8 US Domestic / 15 International⭐ Slots for this next charm order will be limited. I will email you if I accept your commission. You can contact me through my email [email protected]

Example gallery